Course Work

Course Work

Reply’s to Peers blog posts:


  1. Anastassiya

    Hi Sophia! It’s great to hear about your best learning experiences. I completely agree that hands-on experience and learning by watching and participating are some of the best ways to learn. It’s always nice to have the opportunity to apply what you’re learning in a real-world setting. Thanks for sharing!

    To strengthen your pos, you might want to connect each experience with the learning theory and incorporate quotes from readings to support your ideas/examples.

  2. Julia

    Hi, Sophie! I’m glad for you to have experienced not just one but multiple fun outdoor courses. It’s wonderful to see teachers embracing outdoor learning and providing opportunities for students to connect with nature while still covering the curriculum. I can imagine how exciting it must have been to go on camping, hiking, sailing, and kayaking trips throughout the school year. It’s also sad to hear that the outside45 program got shut down, but it’s admirable that you have the desire to bring it back to life! Do you have a game plan in mind on how to do that?

  3. Anastassiya

    Hi Sophia! I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your insights on Direct Instruction and how it relates to art therapy. Your perspective was really interesting, and I appreciate you taking the time to share it.

    I couldn’t agree more that creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment is crucial to the success of art therapy. As you mentioned, some content areas may still benefit from a direct instruction approach, and some students may need a more structured environment to thrive. Ultimately, it’s all about finding the right balance to help each individual achieve their goals.

    On another note, could you consider creating a separate post for each blog you publish? I think it would make it a lot easier for readers to find and engage with your content if they could access it more easily. Also, if you could fix the publication dates, that would be fantastic.

  4. Anastassiya

    Hi Sophie! Thank you for sharing your insightful ideas on how you can address the barriers that some students may encounter in your music therapy class. Your suggestions were incredibly varied and touched on everything from accessibility to emotional safety, which I think is fantastic. I truly believe that your ideas will make a real difference in the lives of your students.

    I was wondering if you could expand a bit more on some of the specific activities you would incorporate for developing emotional regulation skills. These are such important elements of music therapy, and I would love to hear more about how you would incorporate them into your classes.

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